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Mutual Earth

Natural photography, the way nature intended

Animal photogropher and wildlife blogger



White-naped Mangabey muse.jpg

Natural Photography, The Way Nature Intended

A lifelong love of wildlife has led me to want to share the love with anyone and everyone willing to give me the opportunity. This has extended to my photos.


There are many different reasons for taking photos, to showcase your talents, to share the joy of an experience, to experiment, or a myriad of others. The same goes for looking at them- you could be looking for a perfect piece of art, something to make you smile, or even just look at something you've never seen before.

I've created this website in order to fulfil as many of those needs as I can, and hopefully you can find something to please you here. I'm fully aware that there are varying degrees of quality in the photos presented, but not every photo is shared as an attempt at excellence. They are, however, all a celebration of wildlife and nature.

Feel free to provide positive or negative feedback on the photos, website, or anything else you want to get in touch with me for. You can do this by email at

Prints and merchandise are available at our RedBubble store   if you want something from one of my pics that isn't on there (and there are many), email me at with what you want and I will add it straight away.


Finally, there's the blog, Postcards From The Hedge. This may be news, opinions, species highlights, quite literally anything related to wildlife.


Thanks for coming, I hop you enjoy.




All images and text © Copyright 2002-2023 Mutual Earth & Myk Pudlo-Umney. All rights reserved. Website created with

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